Alcohol Excreted Through Sweat

Here's something you probably didn't know...

The human body mostly processes alcohol by the liver. About 10% is then excreted though your sweat, urine, and breath. Alcohol can encourage profuse sweating.

Reducing Body Odor By Eating The Right Foods

In an earlier posting we looked at how certain foods can affect bodily functions including body odor. However, there are some myths or unproven theories relating to foods and body odor. Some claim that because bacteria are feeding on the proteins and fats in your sweat, then cutting back on junk foods will improve body odor problems.

Some also claim drinking milk makes a baby smell better. However, pre-pubescent children generally smell nicer than adults because their apocrine glands haven't yet developed.

Soaking Potatoes To Reduce Potassium

I mentioned earlier how the kidneys play an vital role in bodily functions such as filtering the blood, getting rid of waste products, balancing electrolytes (Sodium and Potassium), and with fluid balance. I also mentioned how renal patients (with kidney failure) should avoid some foods with high potassium levels (e.g. bananas, strawberries, grapefruit etc).

One thing I didn't mention was the special process referred to as “leaching”, or soaking, to help remove the potassium from potatoes. This is sometimes done to give renal patients some more food choices.