Do We Reek Of What We Eat?

Various foods claiming to contribute to bad body odors include: garlic, onions, blue cheese and some dairy products, fermented foods (e.g. vinegar, sauerkraut), and spicy curries. Some studies also suggest toxins and impurities in the body resulting from improperly digested foods can contribute to body odor problems. However, the jury is still out on link with body odors to specific diets.

The body does excrete wastes through the skin, and there are chemicals present in sweat. There is also bacteria living on the skin and in unwashed clothing.

On the topic of smelly sweat glands; there are the "Eccrine Glands" which control the body temperatures. These are located under our arms, on our foreheads, on our soles and on the palm of our hands. Any odor is generally a combination of trace minerals (e.g. potassium and calcium) with water and salt. The "Apocrine Glands" on the other hand, are mainly around the genital, lower abdomen, and armpit regions. They excrete fat and protein wastes. Skin bacteria feeds on it, and broken down chemical compounds can have an unpleasant smell.

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